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Noble Woods III, MBA presents
OPTIONS For Income


This is the masterfully simple and premiere Options course for working professionals. Your search for a proven trading system and dedicated coach is over.





The free 90min webinar is at the bottom of this page. Watch the most effective educator out teach LIVE.

Imagine knowing exactly where to enter and exit your trades every time. 

The best traders have an arsenal of different strategies that equips them to make money in any type of market.

How much more successful would you be if you were taught more than mere basics? There's power in knowing the advanced strategies that allow you to profit even when you dont know the stocks price trend direction.

This class is a powerful dose of quality teaching, in- depth explanation, weekly accountability and a technical & statistical analysis system for trading that can help you to become limitless.

I began trading futures back in 2009. I started off successful, then experienced years of losing seasons. I had to learn how to win. Winning is a mindset first, before it's profit in your account. In 2020, I launched my first Options class and held multiple pilots to make sure I was designing the best class out. I know exactly what areas you're struggling with and I have proven solutions to help you. 

Options trading is life changing, but you have to go beyond simple basics to master the craft and yourself. Let's amplify your skillset and help you see a new level of profitability and mastery. I'm excited to share all of my learnings from both my personal journey and my past students.

Options trading is a powerful way to create income, but you have to know all of your options that it provides.

Everything in this class addresses the gaps, barriers, and issues that I've found and encountered from working with hundreds of traders. This course is optimized to give students a highly effective learning experience that will lead to profitable, patient, and confident trading. 


Perfect for busy working professionals.

If you think you're too busy to learn how to trade Options, this class was designed for you. You can join class as your time permits and you have access to class for indefinitely.



Create A New Financial Future

This class isn't about giving you new possibilities alone. It's about equipping you with the mindset, skills, and system to help you bring those possibilities to life. 


Profit with your favorite brands

Imagine buying your next Apple product with profits from your last Apple trade. That's the win win and better way to shop. And luckily "trading" is really just shopping anyway...but you have to understand the math that it's built on to find the best deals. 

All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Trading Business for your family.

 I'm ready to become a confident trader.

I want to join Noble for 4 weeks and learn OPTIONS!

 Let's discuss the course and most common problems that you're experiencing.

How will the class flow?

It's organized, efficient and every moment will be recorded so you can't miss a thing. 

The structure will remind you of a 301 level college course, but this will be much more fun and won't leave you in debt.   

The lecture will be a lively and in-depth exploration of new materials and concepts. The lab will bring those concepts to life with demonstration, examples, case studies, and live analysis. On Saturdays, you'll be able to ask questions or just listen in during office hours. I drop the best gems on the weekend.

Every class will be recorded and you'll have access to the class for life. This was designed with working professionals in mind. It's flexible and clear.

Why do traders struggle?

The common problems are pretty basic and you'll learn a solution for every single one. 

Over the past 4 years, I have conducted hundreds of 1 on 1on consults, and held multiple classes. I've uncovered the most common problems that Options traders face and developed specific solutions to address every single one. This four week journey will radically change the results and skills of any trader who is ready to fully commit to building wealth.

There are 5 reasons that traders struggle. We'll tackle all 5 masterfully over the 4 weeks of training.

Everything comes down to a few simple basics. I want to make sure you know what they are upfront. They cripple traders from achieving their goals daily and they can be avoided. Check out the video and learn about each one in detail. 


Get ready to learn a refreshingly patient and calm flow to trading. You don't have to be a stressed out day trader.   

The class will challenge traditional ideas and what's commonly accepted. It's not about chasing every "hot stock" mentioned in the news. You can make great income from trading, but you need to learn how the best do it. Listen to the real life stories covered in the video to learn why "less is more." 


I know you have questions, so here are the answers.

"Are financing and payment options available?"

YES, simply click on Klarna at checkout for financing. 

If you have decent credit and don't want to tap into your savings to pay for the class then Klarna may be perfect for you.

You can spread out the payments and select what works best for you. The great part is that you'll probably still pay less than the normal price ($7000) even with the interest added in.

Please explore these options. There's a soft credit pull that WILL NOT impact your credit score.

"Will this class help me to understand Options terminology and concepts?"

Yes, they'll be broken down and taught so creatively that even a child could learn them.

The stock market is full of weird sounding terms and concepts. Options is another language all together. If you don't understand the concepts and know the terms, you're limited. Luckily, many of them you already know and practice in your everyday life. I specializes in using what you know to teach you what you don't know. It accelerates the learning process.

"I've taken classes before and didn't learn much. Is this really what I've been looking for?"

Yes, you need a coach who is passionate, creative, and experienced. 

There's nothing worse than a boring class with a stuffy teacher. You don't have to worry about that here. I love teaching, connecting with my students and having fun in class. Get ready to learn, laugh, think, and YES, I will randomly call on you in class, but you're in a safe space, unless you weren't paying attention, lol. 

I've taught this material enough to know when you'll get stuck and why. I'm always prepared to push the class and can explain every concept using creativity and things you already know.

"Will I be able to learn advanced strategies even if I'm new to Options trading?"

Yes, in reality, every strategy is simple. Some simply have more parts than others. 

Options are the "9th wonder of the world" to me because they allow you to make money in a number of ways. Most people never go beyond the basics and that's the problem. Traders need to know their options. 

Do you know how to give yourself more time and buy more contracts without spending more money? 

Do you know how to place a non directional trade where forecasting the true trend direction is no longer relevant to make profit?

We'll cover the basics inside and out, but you'll also leave with a few advanced strategies in your tool kit. 

"What advanced technical analysis skills will I learn that I can  NOT just find for free on Youtube?"

Yes, we will go beyond mere technicals as you learn the Noble Woods Statistical Method.

At the core of trading lies the ability to analyze a price chart. I have developed a genius, yet simple method for approaching any chart. It's a proven methodology that's rooted in statistics. But don't let that scare you. The stats are entry level, but will have a huge impact on your trading.

It was designed over 15+ years of trading. I've traded with all the popular indicators and I know what works and what doesn't. Technicals are helpful, but they're incomplete. I teach my students what's happening underneath the patterns mathematically. It simplifies things dramatically.

My system works on every asset and any timeframe which gives you immense flexibility with Options. You're going to leave this class with a radically clear new view of charting, technicals, and stats.

It's roughly 80% of the class.

"Are office hours on the weekend really important to attend or watch later?"

Yes, although not required, office hours are full of wisdom! 

Options, by nature, are complex. To make sure you have all the help you need with the concepts, I will hold office hours every weekend. We'll hop on zoom, check out stocks in the news, review that week's lecture and you can ask any questions you have. Most students just listen in, but I've been told that these free flowing sessions are often the best classes.

"Will this class keep me engaged and make sure that I'm learning?"

Yes, you'll get an Interactive Quiz (IQ) after every lecture. They're fun, competitive and timed. Nobody likes losing, lol.

The only way to know if you have learned anything is to test your knowledge. The latin root of education is educo, meaning "to grasp." Quizzes help you assess what you have or haven't grasped. Every lecture concludes with an IQ that will test you and they won't always be easy by design. You're an adult. Get ready to grow in the only way that growth happens is by wrestling with content and material taught. At worst, you'll fail and realize that you need to study more. 


Experience A LIVE Interactive Quiz!

Every week you'll get the chance to compete against your peers in a fun and competitive way. There's a benefit to staying engaged, weekly prices are in store!

"Do you GUARANTEE that I'll leave this class with the skills needed to be a profitable trader?"

Yes, if you complete the Student Development Plan (SDP) you'll stay on track and achieve your goals.

There's a special relationship between an educator and student. I'll make sure that I do my part to run a smooth class with a high level of professionalism. Your job is to make sure that you do what's required to ensure your success. The SDP will help students track their individual progress. Think of it like corporate America's version of a performance development plan. 

Noble Woods presents:

Options for Income Intensive Course

Investment: $7000


  • Establish a sound foundation for Options basics and advanced strategies
  • Step by step lessons that break down every concept and term
  • Learn how to identify clear entries and exits on every chart
  •  Master the Noble Woods Method and trade any asset on any timeframe
  • A major focus on technical and statistical analysis skills (80% of the class)
  • Over 80+ hrs of quality in depth content
  • Collegiate structure with a weekly lecture, lab and office hours
  • Learn basic and advanced Options strategies that can profit in a variety of market conditions 
  • Learn key terms broken down into simple and plain english
  • Learn how to place the trades and orders
  • Fall in love with "The Greeks" and be able to explain how Options' prices move and are calculated
  • Develop a disciplined traders calm mindset
  • Complete a quiz after each class and take a mid-term and final exam to test your knowledge 
  • Complete a project on your paper account that will bring all the concepts from class together
Yes, Im ready to make more income.

Options for Income will provide you with all the tools that you need.

This is a wise investment in your future!

Join me for this game changer. There are a lot of educators and brands teaching in this area but many of their students complete the courses only to realize that they can't successfully implement a system or weren't taught enough to be able to trade with proficiency.

Generally speaking, the majority of investing programs don't produce successful traders for a number of reasons. This course focuses on making sure that each student has the tools, education, mindset, Options strategies, community, quizzes, and technical analysis system that leads to replicable trade with consistent wins.

Listen to past students share their experience.

Listen to a small business owner, and already successful trader, who wanted a proven SYSTEM for Options.

Mrs. Dasent came to me having already paid for other Options courses from popular traders, but she still yearned for more precision and depth. She wasn't new to trading or to profitability, but she wanted a true system that she could rely on with in depth training. Listen to her candid interview, as she reflects back on what she learned from Noble. 

I'm ready to learn Noble's system.

Listen to an engineer and father who now has 1 powerful system that works today and will work in 20 years too.

Terrell was confident in class and had prior experience with trading, technicals, and the mental side of it all. But he didn't have a system that would give him something deeper than just patterns. He wanted high PROBABILITY trades and a way to view that market that would make profiting not only easy, but a norm. Listen to him detail how he's now in tune with his trades and has gained the confidence that few traders possess.

I'm ready to learn Noble's system.

Listen to a Child Psychologist, and experienced trader, who wanted a mentor who could simplify the complex.

Dr. Mitchell loves trading but needed a quality educator and coach who could help her master technical analysis. She describes her experience working with Noble in a private 1 on 1 program. Listen in. Her perspective is honest, accurate and informed.


Listen to a Financial Advisor and trader who became Limitless.

Mr. Payton has a few words of wisdom for anyone thinking of coming into the Noble Woods finance family. He's a finance professional and knows the power of education. He also has a great grasp of time. Listen to this short video as he discusses why "Limitless is the way." 

I'm ready to sign up.

Preparation for trading is the key to profitable trading.

"Can I make trading a lifestyle?"

Yes. It requires a vision, strong technical foundation, a coach, a high learn ethic resiliency, patience and TIME. 

This image shows a trading post from over 10 years ago. Back then I was dreaming about the life I have today. I can do whatever I want with my time and that's true freedom. I can day trade if I want to make money. I can trade using longer timeframes like the week or month chart. I still trade from almost anywhere in the world and those early sacrifices were well worth it. They'll be worth it for you as well if you lock in and commit to the process. One of my favorite mentors always say, "Success doesn't come overnight, but one night success will come."

I'd love to see the Options workshop. (pricing has been updated for 2024)